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Queen Camel Parish Council

Queen Camel Playing Field

Queen Camel Playing Field has been a source of fun, recreation and sport for the community for over 65 years. It is available to hire for sports events, children’s parties or other private use.

There are two football pitches, a cricket pitch, basketball court and parking. The pavilion has changing rooms, kitchen area, meeting space (up to 25 people) and a defibrillator.  

The play area has an extensive range of interesting, but old equipment. Replacing this is the top fundraising priority for Queen Camel. In the meantime equipment is regularly inspected with any safety recommendations actioned promptly. 

The field is regularly used for village events and the footpath along the boundary gives everyone an opportunity to enjoy this green space, whether taking a walk or to watch the sports. An area has been designated for wildflowers and mowing has been reduced at the margins to encourage wildlife.


The Playing field Management Committee

The Playing Field Management Committee is made up of councillors, community members and sports club representatives. Supported by an active team of volunteers they ensure that the pavilion is maintained, grass is cut, machinery is serviced, and everything is in place to support the clubs with their sporting endeavours. Please get in touch if you would like to help.

To make an enquiry (or to report any concerns) contact or


The Playing Field welcomes responsible dogs with their owners. Please keep dogs on the perimeter and out of the Play Area. The South Somerset Public Space Protection Order The Fouling of Land by Dogs and Dogs on Leads, 2022 means that dogs must be kept on a lead and owners must clean up after them.  A bin is provided.

Organisations using the Playing Field

The field is home to Queen Camel Cricket Club

The Queen Camel Tennis and the Bowls Club (separate organisations) are adjacent to the ground.

Booking Enquiry Form