Queen Camel Parish Council
Committees and Working Groups
Finance, Personnel and Risk Committee
Cllr Mr John Brendon
Cllr Mr Phil Jones
Cllr Mr Roy Lawrenson
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
Playing Field Committee
Cllr Angus DavidsonCllr John Carnegie
Sue Gettings
Marian Davis
Ian Conway
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Cllr Bryan NormanCllr David Lowe
Cllr Philip Hall
Rosemary Heath-Coleman
Terri Plummer
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
Flood Committee
Daniel CasleyPeter Farror
Rosemary Heath-Coleman
Chris Tearle
Marin Lilley (Chairman)
Gary Linscott (Vice Chairman)
Steve Millard
Christine Richardson
Arthur Thring
Andy Voysey
Cllr Bryan Norman
Agenda and Minutes of Meetings